Hoy resolvi un gran misterio (para mi anyway), y todo el incidente me puso de buen humor.
Mi hermano siempre me ha mandado cartoons a los que normalmente esta suscrito. Hace algunos meses me comenzo a mandar unas caricaturas de unos pollos. Bueno, los que me ha mandado, buenisimos. Entre otras cosas, de Star Wars...
Hoy, puse mas atencion al dibujo y vi la firma...
Y en ese momento me cayo : el nombre me parecia conocido. De alguien que trabaja en la misma compañia que yo, y con quien he colaborado en el pasado. Pero pense, no, no creo... debe de haber mas de una persona con ese nombre.
Pero vi el about de la pagina, y el caricaturista, al describirse a si mismo, explica como empezo a dibujar pollos. Y como estos se 'dibujaban' en los pizarrones de su oficina..... ahi estuve seguro. Hace algunos años, entrabamos a salones de juntas de nuestra oficina de Vancouver, y algunas veces, en las orillas de los pizarrones, habian unos pollos. Dejados como evidencia.
En ese momento supe que SI, si era la misma persona. Y ahora se con seguridad quien dejaba esos chickens....
Por un lado felicidades a Mr. Savage que haya explotado su creatividad asi.
Por otro lado, descubrir estas cosas tan sencillas me hacen feliz, porque me pongo a pensar que a final de cuentas, todos estamos conectados, y el Internet es algo bueno, ya que extiende esas conexiones....
Today I solved a big mystery (for me anyway), and the whole incident put me in a good mood.
My brother shas always forwarded me cartoons to which he is subscribed to. A few months ago he started sending me some chicken cartoons. Well, all the ones he's forwarded, aewsome. Among other topics, touching Star Wars...
But today, I put more attention to the cartoon, and saw the signature...
And it that moment I realized : the name was familiar. Someone that works in the same company I do, and that I've actually worked on small projects before. But then I thought, no, that could not be, there must be more people with the same name (and there are, googled it).
But then I read the 'about' section of the website, and the cartoonist, when explaining how the chickens came to being, he said that he could not stop drawing them, and even showed up at the office whiteboards...... that made me sure. A few years ago, we would go into a meeting at our office in Vancouver, and sometimes, these chickens would be drawn on the whiteboards. No one knew who draw them.
That moment I knew it was indeed the same person. And now, I know for sure, who left those chickens behind...
On one hand, congratulations to Mr Savage that has taken his creativity to a higher place.
And on the other hand, discovering these simple things make me happy, because they make me think that, after all, we are all connected. And the Internet is not such a bad thing, because it can let these connections be extended....