...when we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers...
The last couple of weeks because of my personal experiencies here in France, my longing for Vancouver and Mexico, the new countries I've been able to visit, and what seems to be a current theme on my brother´s mind, I´ve been thinking about my goals in life, and thus, happiness.
Depending on who you ask the answer of what they look for in life is different : money, power, fame, happiness.
I can't have the claim to be able generalize this, but I do think that in the end, most people seek happiness. The concept does and should mean different things to different people. So the word could encapsulate the other ideas, like money, power or fame, if getting those will make you happy.
Still, part of the problem is that recently, the media is telling us what should make us happy. So I think people are not necessarily searching their happy place based on what it REALLY makes them tick, but what they are told should fulfill them. Like the next Apple gadget, or the powerful car.
Or money. Money is a great enabler of happiness I think, but definitely should not be the ultimate goal.
Having said that, if having that powerful car does really, clearly and absolutely make you happier, then sure, my respects to you for pursuing your personal dream.
But in my case.... I've found that what has made me happier over the years is not exactly the same. In some cases it has been having things, doing things, meeting a goal, going to some place, being with someone...
That's my first point : It hasn't been constant. It always changes. And I think that is one of the driving points, there's always something else. The pursuit of happiness, so to speak.
But, and that is the main reason for this post. What has been a constant throughout the happiest days of my life has been one : they have always been with someone else.
Yes, my apparently very Mexican sense of dependency on other people is clearly at work there. My best memories and happy moments have been with someone by my side : Parents, brother, wife, daughter, friends, not-quite-friends, random coworkers or fellow students, and even sometimes, unknown people who I exchange a small conversation with.
So is this just a piece of Latin-like culture ?
or is it more universal, but it is just that latin people actually ACCEPT that human interaction is the biggest driving force behind human realization... ?
En esta ocasion me inspire mas para escribir primero en ingles.. sera que lo extraño un poco, con eso del frances ?
...when we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers...
Dependiendo a quien se le pregunte, la respuesta de lo que buscan en la vida es diferente : dinero, poder, fama, felicidad....
No puedo pretender generalizar algo tan completo de manera absoluta, pero creo que la palabra felicidad puede incluir todo esto. El concepto tiene y debe de significar cosas diferentes para cada persona. La felicidad puede incluir dinero, poder o fama, o sea, lo que sea que te haga feliz.
Sin embargo, creo que en el ultimo siglo, parte del problema es que los medios nos dicen que son las cosas que nos deben hacer feliz. Creo entonces que la gente no necesariamente estan buscando su felicidad en las cosas que REALMENTE los hacen felices, si no en lo que la TV nos ha dicho que debe de ser. Como el nuevo iPod, o el SUV con mayor potencia.
O en el dinero. Estoy convencido de que el dinero es un importante facilitador de la felicidad, pero no creo que deba de ser la meta final.
Pero, si de verdad, tener ese potente y contaminante SUV, total, clara y absolutamente es lo que te hace feliz, entonces, que bueno y mis respetos por seguir tus sueños !
Pero en mi caso... creo que he aprendido que lo me ha hecho feliz a lo largo de los años no siempre ha sido lo mismo. En algunos casos ha sido poseer cosas, hacer cosas, llegar a una meta, viajar a algun lugar, o estar con alguien...
Ese es mi primer punto : No ha sido constante, ha cambiado a lo largo de mi vida. Y creo que es algo clave de la felicidad, siempre hay algo mas. The pursuit of happiness, como dice el acta de independencia americana.
Pero, la principal razon de este post : Lo que ha sido constante a traves de the happiest days of my life ha sido una cosa : siempre he estado al lado de alguien mas.
Si, mi aparentemente muy mexicano sentido de dependencia en otros, se nota claramente. Mis mejores experiencias y momentos de mayor felicidad han sido con alguien : Padres, hermano, esposa, hija, amigos, no-tan-amigos, compañeros de escuela o de trabajo, e incluso, gente a la que no conozco pero logro intercambiar algunas palabras.
Entonces, ¿ es esto algo que le pertenece solo a los Latinos y a otras culturas que 'disfrutan de la vida' ?
O es algo mas universal, pero los latinos y similares son los que ACEPTAN que la interacion humana es la fuerza mas importante dentro de nuestra realizacion ?