Thursday, November 16, 2006

Guns N Roses

Guns N Roses, originally uploaded by Crapfork.

Ayer en lo que cenaba, mi amigo Rodolfo me mando un SMS. Estaba el con su esposa en el concierto de Guns N Roses en Toronto. Le conteste, me hablo y pude escuchar en su totalidad November Rain.

Este es el tipo de amigo que me agrada. Aquel que me recuerda cuando se esta divirtiendo. Es mas facil acordarse de alguien cuando se les necesita. Pero en este caso es una actividad divertida, y piensan : "Wish you were here", compartiendo el momento contigo a distancia.

Estos momentos me hacen pensar mucho que realmente me gustaria tener a esos amigos mucho mas cerca fisicamente.

Last night while I was having dinner, my friend Rodolfo sent me an SMS. He was with his wife at the Guns 'n Roses concert in Toronto. I answered back. He ended up calling me, and I listened to November Rain over the phone.

This is the kind of friend I like. The kind that remembers you when they are having a good time. It is easier to be remembered when someone needs you. But in this case, it is a fun activity, and the thought Wish you were here crosses their mind, and want to share the moment with you.

During those moments, I think a lot about how much would I like to have these friends closer.


::júbilo::haku:: said...

todavia existen? los guns.. wow...

Ingrid said...

jeje eso fue lo primero que pensé.
Pero sí, yo también te entiendo, tengo muchos amigos regados por el universo (hasta el para-lelo) y nunca podría hacer una fiestota con todos.
A menos que Hugh Hefner la patrocinara.

viagra online said...

Of course I understand you. I would like that all my friend will be as Rodolfo, that thinks in his friends in good and bad moments.